Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Be kind to yourselves

Thank you for all the positive feedback we have received this week.  We are hearing all sorts of lovely stories about how families are keeping themselves busy in these totally unprecedented times.  It has never been more important than now to follow the Government rules and stay at home if you can


You will have heard schools have been asked to remain open for children of key workers and identified pupils, we are no exception and have also opened up the school kitchens to support the delivery of free school meals in the local area.  The school staff, cleaning team, catering teams and council staff, drafted in to do the delivering, are working brilliantly together to support our local community. 


We have sent out a number of letters containing information on how to support your child while at home, please refer back to these for information on how to access Calm Brain and how to keep in touch with us via a dedicated email address.


PE with Joe Wickes at 9am daily is proving to be a big hit in many households - whole families are getting involved for an active half hour to start the day.  David Walliams 'elevenses' is a good time to stop and listen to a story (this is a time for drinks and snacks in Mrs Butele's house) he is reading a new story every day.  Steve Backshall is doing live Science talks at 9.30 too.  Many of these links can be found on our website, either on the class pages or on the Short Wood Community Learning pages.


Some of you may have noticed a new home learning tab that has been added to our website by our website suppliers.  This page is not currently live as we are exploring how we may use the functionality.


As a staff team we are very aware of the pressure many families are feeling to 'home school' their children.  Whilst we will continue to provide ideas we are mindful that we do not want you to feel overwhelmed.  Please do not feel you have to be sat at a desk from 9-3 'doing school work'.  Learning comes in all shapes and sizes, the more creative you can be the better. Spending time together playing simple games, setting each other a quiz, scavenger hunts around the house to find objects beginning with a certain letter, making pictures from random objects, challenging each other to remember number facts and just sharing stories will see time whizz by you will be creating some positive memories as you go.  We are all adapting, let's try and have some fun as we do.


Please keep sharing your fun with us via the dedicated shortwoodies email you have been sent.  We have also sent contact details for our main office - this email is monitored regularly and we can arrange to contact you if you need us to. 


Our staff are really missing seeing the children every day. Be kind to yourselves and each other. 




Overall School: 93.7%
