Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

Autumn has arrived

With the weather turning chillier this week we are feeling really autumnal.  This is a good time to ensure that you are sending a warm coat and sensible outdoor footwear.  Can we also ask that you check you child's belongings are labelled clearly, this helps them be independent in taking care of themselves but also helps us to get the right things back to the right children. 


Our Early Years team are starting a project this week aiming to really develop resilience in their learning, using cooking apple crumble as a focus.  Mrs Harris has been demonstrating how to make the perfect crumble so the children can apply the skills they have observed.  Short Wood are leading a project, funded by Erasmus, which will involve visiting Italy and Sweden to work with European colleagues.  We have planned a collaborative project that will involve members of our team visiting schools in Sweden and Italy to explore their ways of working and we are looking forward to welcoming staff from abroad to Short Wood too.  Mrs Doult and Mrs Weston will be visiting Italy next week as part of this exciting project.  We will keep you informed as to how the project develops.


Our Year 2 pupils have been out and about singing at The Morris Care Home, they have been sharing the songs they have learnt as part of their harvest celebrations.  They have done so well that their Year 1 friends have been invited back to share their Christmas songs.


If you haven't already signed up to ParentPay, please pop into the office and our team will help you to sort it out.  We are also going to be using ParentPay to gain consent for trips so it is more than just a method of payment.


Christ Church in Wellington have asked us to extend an invite to all members of the community join them on a Wednesday morning from 8.30am for tea and toast, this is an opportunity to meet others and have a chat.


Our Golden Leaf winners are all shining stars again this week.  It is always a delight to read the leaves, we do hope you enjoy sharing all the lovely things that teachers have written.


Overall School: 94.6%
