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An Exciting First Week Back!!

Although we've only been back a few days, what an exciting and jam-packed few days they have been!


Wroxeter Visit


All of our Year 3 and 4 Short Woodies have been for a Roman experience day at Wroxeter. They all donned their laurel leaf crowns and spent the day learning about life in the Roman era. They managed to link their visit to the International Schools Mosaic Competition currently being run by the British Iron Works Centre in Oswestry. Whilst at Wroxeter, each child made their own individual mosaic, surrounded by the Roman ruins. And then, back in school, each of our Year 3 and 4 classes have worked together to create a collaborative, whole class mosaic - and they look amazing!!


Time Capsules


Across school, each phase has created a Covid era time capsule and the children have written letters to their future selves! We're are hoping that in 2040, the then Short Woodies will dig up our time capsules and be able to learn, from primary evidence, about what like was like during the pandemic. To make both the occasion and the space super special, we have planted four beautiful cherry blossom trees to mark the location of our time capsules.


Eco Warriors


A huge thank you to Finn and Lily Cosh who spent part of their half term holiday litter picking in our local area! Finn is one of our Year 4 Eco-Warriors, and we are very grateful to, and very proud of, the whole Cosh family for doing their bit to make our community a lovely place to live and come to school.


Overall School: 93.4%
