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A Week of Wombling and Blue Bells!

This week, our youngest Short Woodies have been setting an amazing example for us all to follow! Prompted by Evie, our Eco-Warrior in Class 2, our Reception children have been out litter picking in our local area, all earning themselves the 'Wombling' badge! The world might be a better place if we were all a little bit more like our Wombling Short Woodies! 


And keeping her Eco-Warrior hat on, Evie has also been writing to both Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough to ask for their advice on saving the Rainforest! You can see her amazing, independent writing below! 


And on Tuesday, all of our Year 5 children enjoyed the Blue Bell walk through Lime Kiln woods - fortunately, the weather was kind to them and the rain held off! Our Year 5s will be out and about in Wellington quite a bit over the remainder of the Summer term as they find out about our local community and what it means to grow up to become a responsible Wellingtonian! Look out for their future adventures here, on our school news page!




Overall School: 93.4%
