Promote well being / Community / Success & Ambition - ‘Aiming high, growing dreams’ Home Page

A view from The Wrekin

This week our Year 5 pupils have all taken a walk up The Wrekin to consider just who does live 'In the shadow of The Wrekin', which is their topic this year.  Supported by our colleagues from Arthog Outreach they explored this local landmark, found out about the Cornovii Tribe, who once inhabited the site, and began to consider just how our local area has developed.  This topic runs across the year to support our pupils in understanding our local community, how it has developed and how we have all arrived here - it is designed to really engage pupils in their local area and understand their rights and responsibilities, not only as a Short Woody but also as a Wellingtonian. The fantastic weather and positive behaviour of the pupils made these trips really great days out.  The staff and pupils returned with a sense of exhilaration and,for some, achievement as they may never have been up there before.


We feel really privileged to be receiving a donation from a charity set up in memory of Stuart Taylor, the father of an ex - pupil (but always a Short Woody) Lydia.  She will shortly be starting her final year at the University of Leeds studying Politics and Sociology, it is a delight to hear of her on going success and how the family feel Short Wood set her off on an excellent path.  The link to 'Gifted on behalf of Stuart Taylor' is below.  The family have identified a number of local causes that they are donating to as a result of fun fundraising activities that family and friends can complete together. Please take a look at their page to find out further information behind their initiative:


Our intention is to use the money to fund a project with our Year 5 group to create a trail of ceramic tiles around the local area celebrating all that is good about Wellington and its history. We would like to design and make the tiles at Jackfield  - we would be liaising with Wellington Council about how and where to put them.  We want to say a big thank you to the family for thinking of Short Wood as a worthy recipient of a donation from such a lovely initiative. 


Staff in school have received additional training on the use of Espresso this week. This is an online resource which supports many different aspects of learning.  Students can log on to the site at home as a student - class teachers will be informing pupils of how to do this soon.


We are really pleased that so many of our parents have signed up for Parent Pay already.  While this online payment system is new to our school there are many schools locally and nationally that use it.  There have been some 'glitches' as we are learning to use the system and set up processes that are effective so thank you for working with us during this period.  If you need any support in setting up the account please just contact our school office. 


Parents evenings are planned for the 24th and 25th September. These are to provide an opportunity to share information with your child's new teacher about what your child enjoys and things they are good at and ways in which we can work together to address your child's needs.


A quick reminder that our doors open at 8.50am, children need to be in school and settled to learn from 9.00am.  At the end of the day at 3.00pm children need to be collected from the designated areas.  If you are going to be late please inform the office in advance so we can let your child and their teacher know. 


The library is open after school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays for families to choose books to take home.  Mrs Link and Miss Smallman have a range of events planned to encourage children to get lost in a book and promote a love of reading for pleasure. 


We are aware that parking outside of school in the morning and afternoon continues to be challenging.  We are working with the council and local police team to try to explore ways in which we can ease the pressures.  If you are able to walk to school then please do, but if you do have to drive then please ensure you allow additional time and are considerate to everyone using the road and car parks. Please do not park in places that block other parked cars as this does cause great frustration.


Our PTA are always looking for new faces to join their team, if you can spare a little time to support events or have ideas we could try please get in touch.  Marie Duce (Chair) and Hannah Cooper (Secretary) can be contacted through the school office.  The PTA will be running a coffee afternoon to support Macmillan on 27th September so look out for details.  This will be an ideal opportunity to come along before picking your child up for a slice of cake, a drink and a chat with fellow Short Woodies.


We are delighted with how well we have started this term, there is a calm, purposeful atmosphere around school as Short Woodies return to the routines of school life.  Congratulations to all of our golden leaf winners again this week - they are super examples of everything we expect from our Short Woodies.


Overall School: 94.5%
